How To Use
Slip first ridge between big toe and second toe, then adjust placement as needed. Separators remove easily; simply lift one edge away from toes and peel away slowly. Between uses, wash with mild soap and water as needed, then let air dry.
Brand Bio
Clean, botanical-powered beauty is the foundation of Londontown. More important than fulfilling a baseline definition of “clean,” we are proud to redefine it and lead the way in doing beauty better, thoughtfully.
Simply put, being “clean” isn’t enough for us, it’s just the beginning.
We believe in clean formulations with consciousness and care. We strive for better, not perfect: a mantra that focuses on transparency and enables us too continue improving, always. Safe, effective innovation is possible--and a thoughtful approach to clean beauty means that what goes into our formulas is just as important as what we keep out of them.